Sunday, May 27, 2012

As it should be

Finally, after much deliberation Patti has signed up to walk in her third 3 day - in San Diego.

Patti was one of the prime reasons why I started this crazy journey int he first place. Her diagnosis, at a time when I was just starting to come to terms with having actually "Survived" Breast Cancer 14 years before, was oddly perfect. I dont' know whether or not I would have been able to "be there" in the same way had it been sooner. Instead in facing Patti's Cancer I faced my own in a way I never had before.

Now walking with Patti is a celebration.

And it is a rich one. Because we both know, life is tenuous and something that cannot be take for granted. We also know the importance of choices that are an affirmation of life, not from a fear of living. Our choices havee come to be made with the idea of counting.

In the past three years Patti's husband had a frightening brush with his own Cancer. Following a seizure, he was diagnosed with Brain Cancer, which ended up to be benign. keeps on challenging you to see how much you really value it.

This year before Patti signed up I was excited about my walk, loving those who would be walking with me both new and old walkers... but something felt like it was missing. Now, it feels right.

Patti will be walking with Barbara Bryant and Carol Smith both Sorority sisters of ours. That is as it should be. All the San Diego Are We There Yet? team need your help to reach their fundraising goals. You can donate to one of them by visiting  Pick a walker, any or all of us. We thank you for joining us in this adventure.

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