Monday, March 22, 2010

A sparkling clear morning

Tam Valley Community Center to Tennessee Beach and back in time for a listing appointment!

It was one of those mornings where the light bounces off everything. Blue blue skies and moderate temperatures, and early rising and the need to get out and breath the air had me up and walking shortly after 8 am. I left the dogs at the door and my husband asleep downstairs.

I want to say that there was nothing but the beautiful day on my mind, but I couldn't help thinking of a local 17 year girl who was found dead yesterday. She had been at Tennessee Beach with her friends, who lost sight of her in the evening. Apparently she fell to her death from one of the cliffs near the beach. It is such a loss, and so sobering to think about as I walked the trail to the beach.

The world keeps turning. The beauty abides. We fragile beings may come and go, but nature lives on. Still, how sad to lose a life so young. In a way the thought made we walk with even more purpose. I am blessed to be here to see this day. I tried to take it all in as I walked.

Along the way the dew on the grass stood out like tiny jewels, dancing in the morning breeze. I saw small rabbits, and BIG turkeys and not too may people considering the breath-taking day.

As you walk along the trail you can feel the presence of the ocean. You can hear the waves well before you see them. Walking down to the beach, I knew I had to jump over the small incidental creek that has formed after the winter rains. I stood looking at the leap with hesitation. A nice young fellow saw my face and offered me his hand so I could more confidently cross the water. He said as he left "you can do this on you own when you go back, don' worry..."

Well, I did cross on my own on the way back, after slashing sand and water all over myself....

While at the beach the power of the ocean was striking. There were a series of rather large waves hitting the beach. I wondered if one of the old pieces of wood could have been part of the Steamer Tennessee form which the beach got its name. I am pretty sure it is...

Heading back I hurried along the way since I had an appointment with a client I didn't want to miss. I checked my phone and saw in the hour I had been gone 4 calls had come through. Time enough to return the calls once I got back.

I think it is an amazing thing to be witness to the power and beauty of my backyard. This is something that should be respected and not taken for granted. Just like every day you are given. It is up to us to make the most of each and every one. I have to say, this was a wonderful start to the day.

Enjoy the pictures...

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Videos of the day......

On the trail

The beach

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous Cathy! We will have to give that walk a try ourselves. Thanks for sharing.

