Sunday, February 7, 2010

I live in a great place....

The chart you see here, shows the average price per sq ft since November 2008. The compelling thing here is to see how solid our prices remain. There are other areas of Califorina where the difference would shock you. Here in Marin, and particular Southern Marin, prices remain relatively stable. It's true that this recent economic turn has decreased prices. We are back to prices in my neighbborhood from 2004, in some cases, but, compare this to Scottsdale, where a friend of mine moved a couple of years ago. Attached homes that were selling for $600,000 there are now being marketed for $175,000.

Just about everyday I think about how lucky I am. This morning as I was printing up these statistics for an open house, I realized it again.

Many things in life can feel like disaster. It is only when you step back and really take a good hard look at the big picture you realize how many blessings you still have. Breast Cancer was not unlike this ecomonic slow down in that, when you find yourself in the middle of it, you are shocked, scared and overwhelmed with a helpless feeling. But by gathering information and focusing on what you do have control over, you find yourself empowered to survive.

If I left myself to read the headlines about the Real Estate market I could become depressed. But my Buyers, and I know, there is a lot of good news. We here in Southern Marin we will not only survive but we will thrive. Those lucky Buyers who can buy now, will be feeling lucky for many years to come. Those who let the panic in the media freeze them will be left wondering...what if.

How about you? Do you have what it takes to thrive?

A reminder.... I am looking for sponsors. Imagine your store or restaurant proudly displayed on the backs of the brave women of "Are We There Yet?" walking in the Susan G Komen 3 day. Sample... "Are We There Yet?" is getting there - thanks to XXXXX

My goal is to get some press coverage as well, so who knows how far that message of support might go! Think on it and give me a ring.

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