Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's ain't the same!

Ok, so that slim blond chick isn't me...

Today the weather and my time being what it was I hit the gym again. But I have so missed walking that I thought I would try and replicate walking on a treadmill. NO WAY is it as interesting or rewarding. I walked at a brisk clip (at my cardio rate) for an hour. I walked away glad I had done it, going 5K on their screen before I did my little cool down.

But tell me where would I rather be? Would I rather be outside where you can take in the sights sounds and smells of the outdoors, or inside a gym with scores of sweaty people, craning my neck to watch Matt Cain on the TV, through the bodies stair stepping ahead of me? I bet you know.

Right now as I sit here I see a glimmer of sun shining through the clouds. They say one more day of wetness and then back to paradise. Count on me being out there again just as soon as the weather will allow...because there are few places right now, I would rather be, than outside, in Marin on a walk. (EXCEPT maybe Tonga on a boat).

* Fund raising update! CLICK HERE TO DONATE

I am more than half way there! But I need your help. Once I hit my goal, our team will need everyone's help! Let me know if you are interested in attending a music and wine tasting? Look for more news, but by all means send me your suggestions on how team "Are We There Yet?" can not only meet their goals, but crush them and cancer at the same time!

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